Looking for the the Silver Lining

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is no doubt one of the greatest challenges most of us have ever faced. However, amid all of the stress and uncertainty, I am encouraged by some of the bright spots that have emerged:

  1. Better communication. Amongst our Medical Marketing Inc. clients and other healthcare providers and companies with whom I do business, there have been some shining examples of open, honest, transparent communication. They share the struggles they face, but they are also regularly informing their stakeholders about the steps they are taking to continue to safely serve as best they can.
  2. New ways to stay connected. Calls for social distancing have pushed us all into exploring and implementing new ways to continue business operations and maintain connections with our staff, clients, patients and customers. While we may have been resistant before, we are learning how to leverage technology for good.
  3. Increased appreciation for physicians and front-line healthcare workers. They have always been our unsung heroes. This crisis is revealing just how important and selfless they truly are. It has also brought attention to the need to fix the holes in our system that limit their ability to safely and effectively perform their critical work. May we never take them for granted again. 
  4. Greater collaboration. No man is an island. This pandemic has raised awareness of just how interconnected we all are. When confronting challenges — whether they be within our own practice, company or the community at large — we are stronger when we work together. Let’s carry that with us beyond COVID-19. And in the meantime, keep the creative connections and shared information flowing. 
  5. The power of relationships. One of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou is, “People will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.” Those medical practices and businesses that are making their employees, physicians and patients feel valued and connected during these dark days will emerge stronger when we get through to the brighter days ahead.

These are some of the toughest times most of us have ever faced. Practicing empathy is more important than ever before. Try to do something each day — no matter how small — to make this scary world a little better or to ease someone’s struggle. We’re all in this together. Stay safe and healthy!